Collaborating with James

Danielle LaPorte - Author, Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur

“Our Heart Centred Leadership group had great feedback for James’ Offering. ‘Useful and motivating’ was resounding.

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Amy Yamada, Speaker & Business Coach.

“I was blown away by the way he lead his talk as well as an open Q&A session, with his ability to tune into my clients needs and opening up new possibilities for them.”

Lisa Johnson - Multi 7 Figure Business Coach

He did his research to see what they needed and what businesses they had (which is rare) and then delivered with a strong memorable message that they needed. James is always approachable and friendly, but he pushes, too, which is needed for high level business owners.

Emily Williams - Founder of I Heart My Life LLC

“James is no just my husband, he has been my business partner for years. James has served hundreds of my clients at every level with a firm and loving style of accountability and knowledge.”