The growth edge

James Williams


Every new chapter in life requires a personal evolution.

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In 2015 James’s took the leap from a 12 year career in television to pursue his passion for mentorship and personal development. He realised that the behaviours, environments and habits he had been choosing were not bringing out the best in him any more, so he removed them all so he could develop the version of himself thst could be successful.

As a Certified High Performance Coach, James is passionate about supporting those who have a vision for their future, by unlocking the person within them that is capable of realising that vision.

His approach

At the core James has been taught by the best and most academical researched High Performance coaching strategies in the world. Around which James has created a way to customise each coaching program for the needs of his clients. His foundational approach starts with what he calls - The Business of You Breakthrough. This intensive program unlocks the behaviours, environments and habits that are keeping his clients from reaching their goals.

Work with James

Private Coaching

James Williams offers you a journey towards self mastery. providing guidance, accountability, and exponential growth through his compassionate and evidence driven method. You'll gain tailored strategies to improve your clarity and mental performance towards the future you want.


James meticulously researches to craft a presentation tailored for your audience, designed to inspire and educate in a manner that is both inclusive and collaborative.


James has worked with many companies to complement their programs with his coaching and training.


Tricia Brouk Transformational Public Speaking Coach / Film Director

“I know that in order to be better, to serve more, to impact the world the way that I want to, I needed a mentor to hold space for that to happen. James Williams is the first person to call.”

Abe Quiring

CEO, Coach

James not only helped me grow as a person but grow my business as well. It was a two-fold

approach that allowed me to shape the future I imagined for me, my family, employees, and

clients. If you are looking for a coach that can create a path for you to thrive today and in the future, then James is the right coach for you.

Solange Blanchard

Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor

“James went above and beyond my expectations. I was challenged on many things in my pursuit for personal and professional growth. James quickly helped me explore and establish high performance habits. He quickly recognised where I had mindset blocks. Together we mapped out the exact road map to reaching my goals which centred around me putting myself first.”

Lisa Johnson

Multi 7 Figure Business Coach

"James did a training for my mastermind group of entrepreneurs, and everybody loved it! He did his research to see what they needed and what businesses they had (which is rare) and then delivered with a strong memorable message that they needed. James is always approachable and friendly, but he pushes, too, which is needed for high level business owners."

News Letter

Weekly perspective shifts, cutting edge tips and strategies towards becoming the best version of yourself

Who is James?

Danielle LaPorte - Author, Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur

“He really cares about people living and working in the most meaningful way possible.”

Michael Roderick - Founder of Small Pond Enterprises.

“James is a kind, thoughtful and dynamic leader who will challenge your assumptions with heart and courage.”

David Brower, Author, Pleasure Coach and Super Connector.

“James is all about caring, high performance living delivered and shared in a world-class way. Yes, nice guys do win big. James is one of them.”

Candy Barone, Leadership Expert.

“James is truly one of the most heart centred, servant leaders I know.”

Video Blog

Contact James



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